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Calcium Chloride

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Calcium chloride is the calcium salt. Cacl2 is crystalline, lumpy or flaky usually white to off white color. In room temperature it’s solid as a typical ionic halide. It can actually be produced from limestone. But in the industry, it is manufacturing as a byproduct of the Solvay process in the production of sodium carbonate in huge amounts.

Appearance crystalline, lumpy or flaky usually white to off white color
Purity 94-96 %
Formula Cacl2
MOQ One 20 ft Container
Packaging 25 Kg Sacks, 1MT Jumbo bag

Calcium chloride is the calcium salt. Cacl2 is crystalline, lumpy or flaky usually white to off white color. In room temperature it’s solid as a typical ionic halide. It can actually be produced from limestone. But in the industry, it is manufacturing as a byproduct of the Solvay process in the production of sodium carbonate in huge amounts. Because of its hygroscopic nature it must be preserved in tightly sealed containers. It has various applications, because of its strong hygroscopic specification it is used to absorb moisture and also causes to remove insoluble and excess water by adding it to liquids.
This dissolving process is highly Thermic around 60c (140 F) . This could be hazardous if humans or animals eat the right calcium chloride pellets. It could be more dangerous for children in contrast to adults so should be kept out of their reach.
Other applications for calcium chloride include:
1. Food enhancement
Calcium chloride is often found as a firming agent in foods, due to its ability to absorb moisture. It helps hold canned vegetables together, and to convert soy curd into solid blocks of tofu. Further, it can depress freezing levels in liquids and semi-solids, making it useful in the creation of cold foods such as ice cream.
In addition, it can also be found as a flavor additive. It has an extremely salty flavor and can, therefore, be used as an alternative to standard salt, such as in “low sodium” products. It even functions as an electrolyte in many sports beverages.
2. Water hardening
Calcium chloride is an extremely common additive to soft water, particularly in swimming pools and other situations where water is being held in concrete. The calcium leeches into the concrete, preventing erosion.
3. Medicine
Calcium chloride also has many applications in the medical industry. In medications, it can function as a buffering agent, as well as an anti-moisture agent. It has direct medicinal qualities as well. It is utilized in lowering blood pressure, as well as treating acid burns. Injections may also be used to enhance the resolution of an electrocardiogram.
4. Road work
Calcium chloride is frequently utilized as a de-icing agent and is very often what’s actually in municipal “salt trucks” de-icing roads in the winter. However, it was probably also utilized in the creation of the road itself! Calcium chloride is often utilized in concrete mixing, because it simultaneously speeds up setting of the concrete, while also reducing the effects of moisture on the mix.


Min 94 %


Max 0.004

Total Alkalinity as NaCl Relative to active substance CaCl2

Max 6

Total magnesium as MgCl2

Max 0.5


Max 0.2


White Granulated

Particle size

1-4 mm