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Bitumen viscosity grade(VG40)

VG-40 grade bitumen is in the top of list when we are looking for a high resistant bitumen. It is used in very hot climate condition (above 40 C) and in highly stressed situations such as conjunctions and truck parking stations . Viscosity grade 40 can be used instead of 30-40 old viscosity type.

Grade Bitumen Viscosity grade(VG40)
Appearance   sticky, black, highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum.
Packaging bulk, and drums in different sizes of 150 Kg,180 Kg,200 Kg ,240 Kg

VG-40 grade bitumen is in the top of list when we are looking for a high resistant bitumen. It is used in very hot climate condition (above 40 C) and in highly stressed situations such as conjunctions and truck parking stations . Viscosity grade 40 can be used instead of 30-40 old viscosity type.

Absolute viscosity(at 60 °C, Poises)

Min 3200

Kinematic viscosity(at135°C,

Min 400

Solubility (in CCL4, %)

99.0 Min

Flash point (°C)

220 Min

Penetration (at 25 C, mm/10)


Softening point (°C)

Min 50

Ratio viscosity (at 60°C,%)

Max 4.0

Ductility (at 25 °C, Cm)

Min 25

Small Size
