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Bitumen is a wide range of high molecular weight hydrocarbons extracted from the ground. it’s totally generated in crude oil processing. it exists in the nature as well. The production of bitumen could be started by extracting the crude oil from the ground. The crude oil is pumped from the storage tanks and going forward to distillation tower. Its diameter is 65 Cm and a height of 6 meters. It is heated up to over than 300 C. The vaporizing caused separating into various types of the crude oil. In the fist stage light components such as benzene and propene are separated and the heavy compounds including the bitumen fall to the bottom of the column .This process occurs at pressures close to one atmosphere (unit).  There can be many end products laying under this special specification which depends on how it will be going to be used. This heavy viscous liquid has different applications. More than 85% of the world Bitumen is used for asphalt for covering the roads. less than 10% in other construction such as roofing and paving application. The rest is used in different industries. Some of the other applications of Bitumen include: Dam grouting and linings, membrane linings, soil stabilization, fence post coating, etc. ESS FUTURE is now one of the reliable and creditable suppliers of Bitumen in the region. We can supply various grades of bitumen including penetration, viscosity and performance grades. 

Bitumen Penetration Grade

This type of bitumen is known as strong run bitumen or distillated bitumen. Because of its strong resistance in front of water and oil, it is an ideal agent for binding in different applications. There can be many end products laying under this special specification which depends on how it will be going to be used. This heavy viscous liquid has different applications.

Bitumen Viscosity Grade (VG )

Viscosity grade bitumen (VG grade bitumen) identified by different tests. In penetration grade bitumen, all tests are doing in 25C° and in Viscosity grade (VG grade) testing, bitumen tests in 60 and 135C°. In this procedure bitumen classified into four grades named VG10, VG20, VG30, VG40.
because of bitumen application as asphlt main substance, viscosity grade testing route is more reliable specification in case of mixed for road covering works. Select the current grade according VG specification will result bettrt performace, specially in hot summer teperiture.